Friday, January 2, 2015

Negotiating with yourself.

So, what's your next step in this world of broken pathways?
Who would you trust again in a world of traitors and backstabbers?
When will you ever realize that whatever that has happened to you, happened for a reason and now you're all on your own?
What will happen if you lose your grip and fall?
But what if you believed in yourself enough to lift yourself up every time you feel low?
What if you reached a point where the only person that makes sense is yourself?
All of these questions have similar answers, you can't answer them properly because you know that you won't be able to. It is the kind of questions that you try to avoid whenever you face them, like how you avoid some people for example; it's not because you don't know how talk to them, but it is because you don't want to.
But what if we took some time to think of what was written above, why is it that every single person in the world can relate to those questions? Is it true that all of us been through the same life situations but with different people? But if that was true, does that make asking your parents or someone older than you a reasonable move? It just doesn't make sense!
I believe that all of us have been through similar situations, but it's not about the situations itself, it is about how you react to those situations that makes us different. It's who you become after those situations that makes someone strong and someone weak; someone that would easily deal with the situation if ever happened again and someone who would avoid getting anywhere near that sort of thing.
'Who would you trust again in a world of traitors and backstabbers?'; This one needs a lot of explanation; Is it true that most people are traitors and backstabbers? Are there any 'angels' out there or are we living in hell? But if someone did you wrong, why would you care about them? Why won't you just let them go and never think about them again! Unfortunately, that's not how our bodies work; Whoever walks in our life even if for a short period, they leave a 'scar' in our hearts; A scar that cannot be erased, that every time you think that you don't remember them anymore, search within yourself and you'll find their place in your heart. Are we -humans- some weak creatures that cannot forget someone that hurt us years ago? Or is that a part of our animal instinct to remind us of getting our revenge? Will these words ever make sense?
There's no one who understands you better than yourself; No matter how much you explain to someone else or how many details you give them; you just cannot transport the way you feel to them; They will never understand completely -and that also answered why you should not ask your parents. Is the way we feel so complicated that no one will understand? Are our words only make sense to ourselves? Will people ever understand how you feel without telling them? Or will you spend your life explaining for people who would never understand? I really want to answer all of these questions for you but I am afraid even I don't know the answer or ever will.
We -humans- are a beautiful yet complicated creatures; we have the brain to think, calculate, talk or do complex maneuvers but we lack one thing; the control on our hearts, and as everything will be emotionally driven, it would be impossible to explain why we do what we do!


  1. "We -humans- are a beautiful yet complicated creatures"👍👍
    "but we lack one thing; the control on our hearts"👍👍

    1. Not all the time 😅, sometime it's good to be guided by your heart.


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