Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Day after day

Another cold night I spend alone,
Another day spent at home,
Is this the way that my whole life would be,
Or will there be someone to help me, see?
The beautiful places and people that I didn't meet,
The tales and stories that I didn't hear?
But then would that be enough to fix what the years did,
Or is all of this mess something I built in my head?
And would that someone be someone I already met,
Or is that person someone that I already let?
When will this person enlighten my life,
When will this person brighten my night?
How would I say that I cannot wait,
How can I find the key to my gate?
Will I ever experience the joy of living,
Or will all my attempts end in failing?
How do I know what I left behind,
If I am not sure of the memories in my mind?
How would I know what would my future look like,
When every step I take feels like I am on a hike?
Am I supposed to build a home based on dreams,
Or shall I draw my future on schemes?
Will these thoughts ever stop?
Or will there ever be a day when I am on the top?
Another cold night I spend alone,
Another day spent at home.


  1. Lovely work, Hussam! Impressive. I think "How can I find the key to my gate?" is one of my favorite lines in there. What inspired you to write this beautiful poem?

    Keep up the wonderful writing. Can't wait to see what else you come up with.


  2. @Eve Thank you very much Eve, those words do mean a lot for me, I am really glad you liked it. I can't wait to read your blog ! =)

    - Hussam


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