Saturday, January 10, 2015

A letter to a mermaid

Things are not what they used to be, you lost the only one that really cared for you, I can no longer look at you as my savior or my secrets keeper.
You became one of them, a wandering soul living in a city of ghosts. You gave away who you were to seek satisfaction from people that don't care about you.
You cared a lot for what people may think of you and your flaws until it caused you to bleed from the inside,
Your self-confidence and appreciation were on a continuous downhill and every day you get worse than the day before,
You did this to yourself; you chose to be miserable and sad. You chose to push people away to live in your own fantasy world where you are the queen and everyone else are your guards.
You became someone I do not know anymore, a stranger wearing a mask of your face. A picture with a beautiful frame yet dark inside.
You got yourself caught in your own drama that I don't know when you are serious anymore.
Your words are puzzles and your feelings are a web of lies and self-deceiving. Your dreams are confused and your future is blurry.
You wake up every day, lie to yourself that everything is going as planned and you're okay while deep inside you know you would end your life if you could.
You lost the passion you had about everything. You're no longer doing things out of love, you became a person with no feelings but to yourself, a person living in a world of regrets.
You changed; And I never liked the new version of you, but I am afraid I cannot do anything about how you choose your character to be.
You were so bright and full of optimism, but now your darkness and selfishness are pushing everyone away from you. 
And even though I tried my best to pull your body to the surface but I couldn't do anything to lift you up because your lies were too heavy and you drowned.
And forever you may lie in the darkness of the sea until you find your true self again.
You gave away us when you gave away yourself.

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