Tuesday, June 2, 2015


You met a man who cannot choose which shirt to wear every morning, a man that cannot be anchored down, a traveler, a hopeless lover, a man who would rarely change his mind, an emotionally-stable man, a man that cannot be controlled, a man that cannot be moved. Regardless of what his past was or what his plans were, it never included you or anyone, all his thoughts were singular, all his plans and dreams were about accomplishing self-achievements, his ego does not allow him to consider anyone as a decent spouse -But you never backed down despite all the hints he gave.
You wanted to know how he does everything so perfectly, how the words he say seem to worth the universe to you, how few minutes of time you spend are considered something extraordinary for you, you wanted to see how different he was than anyone else, you wanted to explore him, understand him and put your trust in him as your saviour, as your own prince charming, you expected a lot from him, you expected a lot from someone who was not willing to offer anything, a man who wants you to be happy with whoever you chose -But he never thought that you may choose him and never let go.
He only gave you the attention he gives to anyone else, he only said the same things he said to everyone else, he did not treat you specially, you were just another girl to him, another person he meets, a random stranger he met and found common grounds with, someone you became close to when he felt nothing towards you, someone you wanted to have more from while all he wanted was your friendship, nothing more, nothing less.
And you played the perfect scenario in your head by imagining him to be yours, to imagine that you could be the one that he turns into, to believe that he might feel anything for you -But you built your castle on sand.
When you fall for someone's personality everything about them becomes beautiful; You fell for the wrong person, you started to admire everything he does just because you did not want to lose him and just because you were waiting for a chance that one day he may change his mind, that one day you be his one and only.
Your admiration is something he is used to receive, he has been in this situation a million times, for him it is easy to be loved while it is extremely hard to love; This is something he wishes that never happens again because every time it happens, he ends up hurting the girl and leaving her with permanent scars -But no matter how strong he pushes you out, you still want in.
He is not the man you think he is, love is blind, you're currently blinded but one day it would make sense and you will be so proud of the decision you made, one day this will all make sense. But as they say: "If you cannot be a part of the cure do not be a part of the disease"; If you cannot fix this man then maybe you should go in separate ways, maybe he is not the man for you, maybe he is a mystery you can never fully understand -Maybe it is time to move on.

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