Monday, June 22, 2015


And now you're just a stranger with all my secrets, she said.
She smiled softly,
But this time it was different,
her face smiled,
but her eyes didn't.
She was hoping that their love affair lasts forever.
And she no longer knows who she is,
or what she wants to be,
She was lost,
like the big waves of the sea struck her in the face while she stood there,
pretending to be enjoying it.
pretending to be strong enough to pull her face out of the water,
And breathe again,
It never occurred to her to give up,
she was determined,
despite the tragedy he left behind,
She kept telling herself that this time will pass,
And that she will be herself eventually again,
She convinced herself that she was okay,
and that it is a matter of time.
She wished that she could see him from a distance,
but never up close.
And a day comes where they meet,
She was turning a corner when she bumped into him,
And she felt her heart break into pieces,
It felt like the exact moment when he told her that they were done.
It was a dark aching fear,
An agony,
She couldn't talk and decided to walk away,
Even though deep inside,
Her hand misses the holding of his,
And her eyes miss his face,
She kept telling herself that tomorrow will be better,
but she has been through so many tomorrows,
and nothing has changed.

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