Wednesday, March 28, 2018


Whenever we fail to make a decision, we fail to grow.
As we approach each of life’s proverbial forks in the road, we are not faced merely with two potential courses of action; rather, as many as four choices appear in front of us at each fork.
The right path. Often the correct decision is glaring: the right path is illuminated, clear for miles, obvious to everyone. Whenever this is the case, seize the opportunity—take the right path.
The wrong path. There are some paths that are blatantly incorrect, filled with obstacles and venomous creatures lurking about. Avoid these routes, even when they appear to be beautiful, tantalizing, or easy. The wrong path narrows quickly but every step makes it harder to turn back.
The left path. Sometimes the fork presents two equally viable options: the right path is right, but so is the left—or maybe you cannot tell which path is correct. In these instances, it is most important to simply pick either path, using all available relevant information, and keep moving forward. Even if we pick the wrong path, we grow from the failure; There are no wrong turns, only unexpected paths.
No path. When we are faced with two unknown paths—left and right—we often freeze with indecision, stuck in our decision-making paralysis. This is the worst option of all: not deciding is always a bad decision.
How far can you go down the wrong path before you can't get back on the right one?
No matter which path you are on, always do this: Question your path! If you are on the wrong path, change it; no matter on which mile of the road, change it! Till you find the right path, change all the paths.
Escaping your path
There’s no way to undo the weeks, months or years that have passed: they’re gone. Wishing that you’d made different choices, or that you’d had better advice, is a waste of time. You can’t change the past. But you don’t need to start again from the beginning of the path. You can cut through the woods.
Into the sunlight 
There will come a moment, one shining day, when you hack through the last of the tangled brambles to stand blinking in the sunlight. Your feet are on your new path, which turns and twists through the pleasant greenery, and the birdsong above brings an instant feeling of calm as soon as you step out into the light. 


Dreamscape: A Journey Through the Subconscious

Dreamscape: A Journey Through the Subconscious Chapter I: The Dreamscape Together, we constructed a world made only for us. I rememb...