Friday, August 26, 2016


A hundred and one things for you:
1. Everyone has to start somewhere; you are not the only one who finds beginnings difficult.
2. It's alright to lose track, to feel weak, to lose interest for a short period. But always remember why you started in the first place and let it drive you.
3. There's no such thing as a defined path for success, you are going to carve your own path in life, a walk you will have to walk alone, you are the creator of your own destiny.
4. Don't look back - It is not going to lead you anywhere.
5. Never underestimate every small step you take, every small detail will build up to become a piece of a much bigger achievement, a masterpiece you are creating.
6. In this life you will have both allies and enemies; Be good to both, but trust only those who are willing to help you be what you want to be.
7. Relax, good things come to those who wait.
8. You will realize you have two enemies; Time and yourself, make sure to have proper control over both.
9. You are the only one who knows your true capabilities, do not let anyone else tell you anything different.
10. You can do what you have always dreamed about, all you need is dedication, dedicate yourself for what you love and let it happen.
11. Friends can motivate you, but in the end, your pure source of energy is yourself, keep that in mind.
12. Your mind is beautiful; It is a work of art, it can achieve the unthinkable, let your imagination run wild.
13. Every flower must grow through dirt.
14. Do not let anything hold you down; All of your problems are not really worth your time, always try to let go of what bothers you.
15. Whenever you are going through a tough day, wear your favorite outfit and spend a day out doing something you love, once you know how to be happy you will never settle for anything less.
16. There's always time to do something; Do not convince yourself that you are too tired or too busy to do something, if you are willing to do something you will find the time to do it.
17. Do not surround yourself with negative people. At this point, the last thing you need is someone to drag you down.
18. We all hit rock-bottom; We all have been through miserable days, it is alright, do not blame yourself, time will pass and everything is going to be okay.
19. Always believe in yourself, if you do not then nobody would.
20. The way you treat people is what defines you, it is your reputation, treat people the way you like to be treated.
21. Do not settle for something that you know you deserve better, know your true worth.
22. Your goals are not just goals, they are plans waiting to be achieved, start doing.
23. It is alright to cry, let it all out, but promise yourself that once it's done you will not ever let it bother you again.
24. Each player must accept the cards they are dealt; life is not equal to everyone, but know how to play your cards properly in order to win the game.
25. Believe that there's good in the world, you just have to look closely.
26. You are invincible.
27. Listen carefully to what people say, understand them, know how to handle each different type of personality.
28. In your life, you will have strangers, acquaintances, friends and best-friends; Get to know where each relationship falls.
29. Do not be afraid of love; Fall in love, You never know when you might run into the right one for you.
30. Do not be scared to try something new; Life is a roller-coaster, try something new today, it is better to try something and regret it than regret not doing it at all.
31. Life comes with standard checkpoints; Graduation from school and university are just beginnings, do not limit your achievements.
32. Leave a fingerprint in life, make a change wherever you are.
33. A lost love is not the end of the world; It is an experience, once you should learn from.
34. There's no such thing as failure; We all fall sometimes, but do not address something as a failure, I am sure there's something positive in every fall you had.
35. You have got this, you can do it, I promise you that you can and will do it.
36. Your life at this current moment is the product of what you have created, take a look at it, are you satisfied with what you see?
37. If you do not like where you currently are, make a change, it is never too late to be what you have always wanted to be.
38. Your hobbies are yours, you are free to enjoy whatever you like, do not be embarrassed of something you love.
39. Wear somethings you like, do not follow trends with your eyes closed; Do whatever you want to do, make your own style.
40. Nobody likes quitters; Do not be one.
41. If you are tired of starting over, start differently, maybe you have been doing something wrong.
42. Work hard; Not to impress someone, but for yourself, do not set a limit for what you are capable of achieving.
43. Have a role model, someone to look up to, it might be your father, your best-friend or one of your teachers. Whoever you choose, choose wisely.
44. Do not let your heart control your decisions, it might feel right, but decisions based on logic would most probably have a better outcome.
45. When you are lacking any new ideas, remember that trees fall their leaves every Autumn, only to grow again the next Spring.
46. Break molds; You were not made to fit in.
47. You have been torn down so many times, but you managed to get through these times, give yourself some credit.
48. You are responsible for what you say and what you do, be careful with your words and actions because one they are said and done, you can never take them back.
49. Spread positivity wherever you go.
50. Stop trying to be someone else, because you, yourself, deserve every moment of your own love and acceptance, you are perfect the way you are.
51. Your ability to grow correlated with your ability to tolerate failure.
52. Do not study because you need to, study because knowledge is power.
53. Take time to what makes you happy.
54. The best gift you can give to someone is your time, be loyal to the people you love, stand by their side when it matters.
55. Be a warrior; There will be times when you have to be strong.
56. When you listen to people speak, really listen, their words are just as important as your own.
57. Do not feel lonely, the entire universe is with you.
58. Sometimes it may feel like the whole world is against you, stand strong and prove them wrong.
59. Step outside your comfort zone, be yourself and do not hold yourself down with your own fear.
60. Respect everyone's opinion as long as it does not disrespect you.
61. It does not matter how fast you are moving, as long as you are making a progress.
62. Just when you think you have reached the end, you are standing at a new beginning, never stop achieving.
63. Make time for yourself to set down and go through what happened in your day each night, allow yourself to clear your mind.
64. Look at your life as it is and fall in love with its entire complexity.
65. Only you are in control of who you become and how you are going to get there.
66. The creative adult is the child who survived, keep up your passions.
67. Everything is possible once you have set your mind to it.
68. Concentrate on what you can do at this current moment that your future self will thank you for.
69. Dream big, do not think that where you are today reflects where you are going to be.
70. I do not want to hear that you are going to do it tomorrow, you should have been finished two days ago. Do not be a procrastinator.
71. You know your destination, not anyone else, keep your mind clear and focused.
72. Do not just do something, find the desire to do it, find a motive, something that will keep pushing you forwards.
73. It is alright to be bored, you are human after all, take a break and come back stronger.
74. There is nothing in life that comes easy, acknowledge this, be patient.
75. Patience is the key to success, do not rush things, the right time will come for you to achieve whatever you want.
76. This world is not perfect, and you are not too, live with your flaws, understand yourself.
77. You are never a loser until you quit trying.
78. Whenever you have something that is bothering you, find someone you trust to listen to you, if you can not find anyone write it down on a piece of paper, get things off your chest.
79. No amount of anxiety makes any difference to what is going to happen.
80. There are some people in your life that are blessings from God, hang on to those people, give them everything you have.
81. Stop looking for the light, become one.
82. Live a life worth writing down, do not just be anybody, be different.
83. No matter how far you have walked down the wrong road,  you can always turn around.
84. Be honest, lies may get you through sometimes but eventually truth is always the right thing to do.
85. Make an impression wherever you go, you are not just an ordinary person, you are special and unique.
86. You can climb mountains, go through storms, you will conquer all pitfalls and roadblocks, nothing can stop you.
87. There's nothing in life that is worth your sadness; Always remember that everything is going to be alright, just give it some time.
88. Do not indulge yourself so much in your devices; Life is much more than chats and pictures, go outside and see the beauty of life.
89. Travel somewhere new, keep discovering new places and people. Jobs fill your pocket, adventures fill your soul.
90. Speak your mind even when you think people will not understand; Do not silence yourself to please others.
91. This life comes with ups and downs, highs and lows, embrace your highs and learn from your lows.
92. Always remember the role your family had in your life; They will always be there for you, they will always understand.
93. You will meet so many people in life, but most probably your mother is best person you have ever meet, love her and show her the right amount of appreciation she deserves. The love received from the mother can not be matched by anyone else.
94. It is never the wrong time to learn a new hobby, a new language or a new instrument, take a break from life and try something new.
95. Push yourself because no one else is going to.
96. Always try to see the positive side in every person, even if you do not see it, treat everybody equally.
97. Learn to love yourself, because once you do, your relationship with everybody else changes.
98. Making mistakes is unavoidable, but how you handle them afterwards? What kind of personal growth you will allow yourself to?
99. The more you are thankful, the more you attract things to be thankful for.
100. Give everything you do a hundred percent of your effort, never settle for anything less, never settle for unfinished goals.
101. You are going to be someone special; I know so, you are going to achieve more than anyone else, believe in yourself and everything is going to be alright.


  1. "64;Look at your life as it is and fall in love with its entire complexity.πŸ‘πŸ‘

    69. Dream big, do not think that where you are today reflects where you are going to be.πŸ‘

    76. This world is not perfect, and you are not too, live with your flaws, understand yourself.πŸ‘"

    This motivates me a lot,thank you.

    Believe me your books will be the best selling. All the best.

    1. I wish I can motivate myself haha.
      Thank you for your comment, I appreciate it!

    2. But I think with a little bit of motivation and hard work you can do great things .
      Trust me ;not everyone can write in such a way ,you are more talented than you know.
      I wish I could write like you.πŸ€—πŸ˜„

  2. 14. Do not let anything hold you down; All of your problems are not really worth your time, always try to let go of what bothers you.

    18. We all hit rock-bottom; We all have been through miserable days, it is alright, do not blame yourself, time will pass and everything is going to be okay.

    26. You are invincible

    74. There is nothing in life that comes easy, acknowledge this, be patient

    91. This life comes with ups and downs, highs and lows, embrace your highs and learn from your lows.

    101. You are going to be someone special; I know so, you are going to achieve more than anyone else, believe in yourself and everything is going to be alright.


    1. Thanks so much to you because you write that pieces of amazing advice πŸ‘πŸ‘ πŸ‘πŸ‘
      honestly I keep checking them πŸŒΉπŸŒΈπŸ€

    2. I am glad to hear that!
      Thank you a lot.

    3. You're most welcomeπŸŒΉπŸ€
      I am waiting for your new storiesπŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ‘πŸ‘

    4. Thank you,
      New stuff is published now :-)


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