Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Shadows of Us

It started as an illogical, wild dream,
All the jagged pieces serendipitously coalescing.
Everything made sense in that ephemeral moment,
It was all too effortless,
Too immaculate,
Propelling forward at a bewildering pace,
Riding towards an elusive horizon,
One tentative step at a time,
Toward an enigmatic ultimatum.

But dreams, by their very essence, are fleeting,
The very things that once felt like fate's tender caress,
Began to unravel, threads fraying at the edges.
Each dawn brought a new crack to the facade,
We tried to patch them,
to hold on,
But the relentless weight of reality bore down heavily,
Our strides grew hesitant,
Stumbling over the remnants of what once was.

What once flowed effortlessly became fraught with strain,
Conversations devolving into careful negotiations,
Laughter fading into an uneasy silence,
The warmth of your touch growing icily distant.
We became mere shadows of our former selves,
Wandering lost in the labyrinth of bygone days.

Days metamorphosed into weeks, weeks into months,
Each fleeting moment a poignant reminder of love slipping through our grasp.
We clung desperately to the past,yearning for a spark,
A sign that we could resurrect the love we once cherished.
But with each passing day,
The chasm between us widened,
An intangible void that words could no longer bridge.

We shared the same space, yet remained worlds apart,
Our hearts conversing in a language we no longer comprehended.
The echoes of our shared dreams haunted us,
Whispering of a future that would never materialize.
Our love, once a fierce conflagration,
Diminished to smouldering embers,
Barely warm, almost forgotten.

And as we stood at the precipice,
The horizon we once pursued now a distant, faded memory,
We came to the heartrending realization,
That sometimes, love alone is not enough.
In that excruciating acceptance,
We began the agonizing process of letting go,
Fragment by fragment, moment by moment,
Until all that remained,
Were memories, like ethereal dust,
Scattered to the winds.

The journey concluded,
The dream had dissipated,
Leaving us to confront the stark, unembellished reality,
That some stories, regardless of their beauty,
Are not destined to endure forever.
We parted ways, bearing the weight of unfulfilled possibilities,
Each step a testament to the love we lost,
But also to the resilience we unearthed within ourselves,
To forge ahead, to heal, to embark on a new beginning.

In the aftermath of our separation,
I found myself adrift, navigating the seas of solitude,
Seeking solace in the quiet moments of introspection.
The scars we bore became symbols of our endurance,
Each one a silent narrative of the battles fought and lost.
In the stillness of the night,
I would revisit the memories,
Allowing the pain to wash over me,
A bittersweet reminder of the depth of our connection,
A testament to a love that, though transient,
Had once illuminated our lives with its brilliance.

In the end, we discovered,
That even the most fleeting of dreams,
Leave an indelible mark on the receptive soul.
And as we walked separate paths,
We carried within us the echoes of that wild, ecstatic dream,
A cherished fragment of a past,
That, though it could not last,
Had forever altered the course of our hearts.

Perhaps what we thought we had lost,
Wasn't truly gone, but transformed,
Woven into the very fabric of who we became.
For in the tapestry of our lives,
Even the threads of heartbreak,
Contribute to the beauty of our story.
And as the years unfold,
We will look back,
Not with regret, but with a quiet reverence,
For the journey we shared,
And the love that, for a time,
Was everything.

Cave of the Lost

Rock bottom. A place where the mask is stripped away, and you are forced to confront the raw, unfiltered truth of yourself. Alone in the pit...