Monday, May 23, 2016

To My Little One...

- Every little step you make today, brings you closer to your goal, do not underestimate what you do.
- Pick your battles, you don't have to show up to every argument you are invited to.
- Your time is precious, do not waste it for those who do not deserve it. Once this day is over, we will never get it back.
- Do not let anyone make you feel guilty about the way you live your life, it is your life and you are free to whatever decision you make.
- Never let anyone tell you that you cannot do something, take their words as a challenge, a motive to get you further.
- You are stronger than what you think, more beautiful than what they say and smarter than what you believe, do not let anyone tell you other than that.
- Eventually you will end up with who you are meant to be with, where you need to be and doing what you should be doing, do not think too much, these things are just a matter of time.
- Do not worry, learn the art of growing without losing your inner child.
- The people who leave are just reminding you of how genuine those who stay are.
- The more control you have over yourself, the less others have on you.
- Be careful what you say, you never know how long your words will stay in someone's mind.
- Take nothing for granted, expect the unexpected.
- There are going to be days where you just want to cry all night, I may not be there for you when that happens, but always remember no one is worth your precious tears.
- You are equally pretty with and without make-up, do not think that you have to fit in a certain criteria the world has created, you are beautiful the way you are, the way you have always been.
- Never give up, it takes a lot of courage to go through tough times, but I believe in you, you are strong.
- Love yourself, love your beautiful charming self, you are special.
- Dedicate time to yourself, calm your mind, and figure things out on your own.
- Not every day is going to be a good day, learn to adapt to anything that comes in your way.
- Be positive, there are going to be a lot of times you get tired and overwhelmed with deadlines and tests, but it is just a matter of time, if everyone can go through it, then you can too.
- The relationship you have with yourself is the most important relationship.
- Learn to say 'No' for the things you do not like, you are not obliged to do anything you do not want.
- Don't worry about finding the right man, focus on being the right woman.
- People will come and go in your life, but the person you see in the mirror will be there with you forever, be good to yourself.
- How much you weigh has no relation with how beautiful you are, don't starve yourself in an attempt to 'fit in'.
- Learn how to do things alone; there will be times you will be on your own, do not be scared, I believe in you.
- Two types of people you should never forget; those who stood beside you when you had a tough time, and those who take time of their day to check up on you.
- Embrace the struggle and let it make you stronger. It won't last forever.
- Do not put all your time and energy into something that is not benefiting you.
- Learn to give, but do not expect anything in return.
- Be patient, better things are coming ahead.
- Expressing your feelings to someone is never easy, do not rush these things.
- Beautiful faces are everywhere, but beautiful minds aren't.
- It is okay if you made a mistake, forgive yourself, do not live in guilt.
- Learn to apologize, saying 'I am sorry' does not make you look weak.
- Surround yourself with positive people who will support you during bad days, not just the good ones.
- Do something you love and never give up on it.
- Do not let the little things get you down, smile and let go.
- Your time is too valuable to waste it being upset.
- Do not look for love, look for happiness, love is overrated.
- Take a chance, roll the dice, life does not have a textbook.
- No matter what you are going through, you are going to make it.
- See the world with your eyes, go on an adventure and visit places you cannot pronounce.
- Be independent, you are complete as you are, you do not need someone to complete you.
- Learn from your past, the great thing about your past is that it reminds you of what not to bring into your future.
- Fight for the things that matter to you.
- Stay productive, always go for that extra mile.
- Someday you will look back on all the progress you have made and be so glad that you did not give up when you thought it was your only option.
- If you cannot stop thinking about it, it is probably worth going after it.
- If something is over and done, do not hold on to it, learn to let go if things that weigh you down.
- You may have done some things wrong but you have also done a lot of things right.
- Cheer up, lift your chin up, life is not always rainbows and butterflies.
- Know what you want in life, take risks, don't be afraid of failure, if you have never tried you will never get what you want. Just do it.
- Keep yourself occupied. Keep your mind off the things that do not help you, try to think positive.
- Always remember that just because something good ends, it does not mean something better won't come along.
- Life is beautiful when you learn to be good to yourself as you are to everyone else.
- Know your worth, do not put up with people who do not treat you with love and respect.
- You make me proud in so many ways.
- You cannot control how people see you or think of you. When you worry about what people think of you, you give up the power to enjoy you. Your opinion of yourself is the key to your happiness.
- Think before you say 'Yes'!
- Speak your mind, be confident, and do not be afraid of being judged because you spoke your opinion.
- Defend your beliefs by living accordingly.
- Some people are only meant to be in your life temporarily, keep that in your mind.
- You can have a lot of friends and still be alone, that is why is important to take care of yourself.
- Learn to understand people, try to find common grounds with everyone you meet, get to know people before you judge them.
- Do not lie, do not gossip, try not to hurt anyone with your words or actions.
- Do not underestimate the role you play in this world.
- Keep you circle small and your mind at peace.
- Not everyone understands your journey.
- Be good with people with no reason.
- No matter what happened yesterday, today is a chance to make tomorrow better, let go of your past and focus on your future.
- Always remember who was there for you when you were at your lowest.
- A positive mind towards everything will give you a happier life.
- Stay low key. Not everyone needs to know everything about you.
- Do not feel guilty for doing what is the best for you.
- Give people time, give people space, don't beg anyone to stay, what is meant for you will always be yours.
- Patience is the key, always be patient.
- Save your heart for someone who is capable of giving you theirs.
- Sometimes you need bad things to happen to inspire you to change and grow.
- Giving up is not an option.
- You can always come to me - no matter what - and I will always help you figure things out.
- If you find something beautiful in someone, speak it.
- The quieter you become, the more you hear.
- The way a person looks, does not define their value or who they are. Learn to look further than just how people look.
- You should not hate anyone, even your worst enemies. Everyone has something good about them.
- Stay strong, stay beautiful and stay awesome.
- Know that when I warn you about something that I want the best for you, I do not want you to get hurt.
- I love you more than words can express, more than you can imagine and I wish you all the happiness this life has to offer.
- Days will be tough, always believe in yourself, ALWAYS.
- Have faith in yourself, believe that God will guide you to what is the best for you.
- Be good to your mother and your siblings, family always comes first.
- Challenge your limits, always try to be the best.

Steps Into Shadows

I stood at the edge of my mind’s maze, a place I’d tried to leave behind. Each door led somewhere I’d once passed through, abandoned but ne...